1. Check out the products of the Nature Farm e-store, select suitable products and add them to the shopping cart.
  2. Make sure that the shopping cart contains exactly the products you want to buy. Before making a purchase, be sure to read the terms of use of the e-store.
  3. Enter contact information and choose the method of receiving the goods.
  4. Want to subscribe to someone else? Check the box next to "Send to another address?" And enter the address to which you want to send the goods.
  5. To make the payment, make a transfer to the current account of Maaema MTÜ.
  6. If you have made a payment at the bank, we will check the payment on working days Mon-Fri 9-18; L 9-17; P 9-15, every hour through the middle.
  7. Once the payment has been received, we will start processing the order.